
Data Service Center

Data centers are the backbone of modern technology and the driving force behind the digital revolution transforming nearly every industry. <br/> They manage everything from accessible health records and medical information to the processing and analysis of data that powers industrial automation.

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    Enterprise data center

    Enterprise data centers are private data center facilities that support a sole organization. These types of data centers are ideal for companies with unique network needs or those with sufficient business volume to benefit from economies of scale. Enterprise data centers are customized to be compatible with the organization’s unique enterprise applications and processes.

    Advantages: Enterprise data centers can offer enhanced security since risks can be managed internally. Additionally, you can customize the data center to meet your specific requirements.

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    Cloud data center

    These distributed data centers are operated by third-party or public cloud providers such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. The rented infrastructure is based on an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) model, allowing users to set up virtual data centers within minutes. For cloud providers managing cloud data centers, they operate like any other type of physical data center.

    Advantages: Cloud data centers reduce hardware investments and ongoing maintenance costs for any infrastructure. They offer greater flexibility in usage options, resource sharing, availability, and redundancy.

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    Multi-tenant Data Center / Colocation Data Center

    Multi-tenant data centers (also known as colocation data centers) provide data center space for businesses looking to host their computing hardware and servers off-site. These facilities offer the necessary data center components such as power, cooling, security, and network equipment.

    Advantages: Colocation facilities effectively reduce ongoing maintenance costs, and the monthly cost of housing hardware is consistent. Additionally, you can distribute hardware across different locations, significantly reducing latency and bringing your services closer to your users.

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    Container/Modular Data Center

    Container data centers are typically modules or shipping containers equipped with ready-to-use, plug-and-play data center components: servers, storage, network equipment, UPS, generators, air conditioning, and more.

    Advantages: In a permanent environment, they can be deployed to free up building space or enable organizations to quickly scale to accommodate new technologies, such as increasing IT infrastructure in educational institutions to support digital classrooms.


Big Data Service Center

Data Center Operations

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Shanghai Haogang Network Information Technology Co., Ltd
Shanghai Haogang Network Information Technology Co., Ltd © 2013 
address:1789 Caoying Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai